Upgrading custom QPACs

The Process Upgrade Tool cannot immediately upgrade actions that are based on QPACs that were not provided with LiveCycle Workflow SDK 7.x. You can upgrade actions that are based on QPACs that your company or a third party created by using one of the following methods:

  • Replace the action manually with an operation.

  • Obtain the upgrade definition file from the third party who provided the QPAC and then register the file. (See Registering the location of upgrade definition files .)

  • Create an upgrade definition file and then register the file.

If your processes use a small number of actions that are based on the custom QPAC, you should manually replace the actions with operations on the process diagram. Creating an upgrade definition file should be done only when a large number of actions are used.

Note: If you created a custom QPAC that references external classes, you must rebuild that QPAC to include the classes directly within it. (See the Developing Custom QPACs guide and the Adobe LiveCycle Workflow SDK API Reference guide available with the LiveCycle Workflow 7.x SDK.)

To replace an action manually:

  1. Record all of the property values that are used to configure the action.

  2. Record the configuration of the routes that end and begin at the action, including the following information:

    • Where routes begin and end

    • Any conditions that are set for the routes

  3. Delete the action. (See Adding and deleting operations .)

  4. Add the operation or operations that you are using to replace the action.

  5. Configure the operation so that it produces the same results as the action it is replacing. Some properties probably use the values you recorded in step 1.

  6. Draw the routes to the operation and replace any conditions. (See Adding and deleting routes .)

Deploying QPACs

You may need to deploy QPACs to update QPACs that were migrated from the LiveCycle 7.x environment (for example, to implement fixes).

To deploy QPACs, use the 7x Components view. In this view, components are organized into categories. The category that you want QPAC components to appear in needs to be created before you deploy the QPAC.

When you deploy a QPAC, you configure the component properties. You can change component properties at any time after you deploy the QPAC. The changes that you make to component properties take effect immediately for all associated actions, including those in existing process instances.

To open the 7x Components view:

  1. Click Window > Show View > Other.

  2. Click LiveCycle Runtime > 7x Components, and click OK.

To create a category:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the 7x Components View and click Create Component Category.

  2. In the Name box, type a name for the category.

To deploy a QPAC:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the 7x Components View and click Deploy New Component.

  2. Browse for the QPAC and click OK.

  3. Ensure the Id and Title properties have the same values that were used in the LiveCycle 7.x environment.

  4. In the Category menu, select the category in which to include the QPAC.

  5. In the Deployment Properties area, provide values for any properties. The deployment properties to configure depend on the QPAC you are deploying. For information about deployment properties, see the LiveCycle 7.x documentation.

  6. Click OK.

To change component properties:

  1. In the 7x Components View, right-click the component to configure and click Edit Deployment Settings.

  2. Make changes to the properties and then click OK.

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