The Process Upgrade Tool upgrades LiveCycle 7.x Quick Action
Process Component (QPAC) actions with service operations that are
available with LiveCycle ES2.5. For each LiveCycle 7.x QPAC, the
following information is listed:
QPAC deployment property mappings
a QPAC has deployment properties that can be configured upon deployment,
these properties may be mapped to service operation properties when
processes are upgraded.
Variable and initiation form mappings
variables and initiation forms are mapped to equivalent variables
and initiation forms in upgraded processes. The variables and initiation
forms are not changed.
However, the operations that replace
QPAC actions during the upgrade can require property values of different
data types than the actions required. After upgrading, you may need
to manually change the type of data that variables hold so that
the variables can be used as operation property values.