Manually configuring deployed processes for User QPACs

If your processes include User actions that are based on the User QPAC, you need to perform additional configurations after using the Process Upgrade Tool:

Configuring variables for forms

In LiveCycle 7.x, form variables used the type lc7form. In LiveCycle ES, form variables used the type xfaForm. After upgrading a process using the Process Upgrade Tool, you must change the variable type from lc7form to xfaForm so that render and submit services are applied to the form at run time.

To ensure that the properties for the render and submit services remain backwards compatible, you must create and import an XML file that specifies the render and submit services properties that are used with the form that the variable references. These render and submit properties are used for tasks that were created with the LiveCycle 7.x User QPAC, and support all of the LiveCycle Form Manager functionality, such as applying usage rights to a form.

You need to perform the following procedure for each lc7form variable in the process.

Note: Do not change the Name property of the variables.

To create the LiveCycle 7.x backward compatibility XML file:

  1. Open a file in a text or XML editor and copy the XML code found in the following topic into it:

    LiveCycle 7.x backward compatibility XML file

  2. Save the file as default.xml and close it.

To configure lc7form variables:

  1. On the Variables view, double-click the lc7form variable.

  2. In the Type list, select Find Type.

  3. In the Search box, type XFA and click Search.

  4. Select com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.form.impl.xfa.XFARepositoryFormInstace, and click OK.

  5. In the Template URL box, specify the location of the form to use for the variable. This property is equivalent to the form-url property of LiveCycle Workflow 7.x form variables.

  6. (Optional) In the Default Data box, specify default form data to use to populate the form when it is used for the first time. This property is equivalent to the data property of LiveCycle Workflow 7.x form variables.

  7. Click Advanced , and on the Advanced Options dialog box, click Import .

  8. Select the XML file you created in the previous procedure and click Open .

  9. Click OK on the Advanced Options dialog box.

  10. Click OK and save the process version.

LiveCycle 7.x backward compatibility XML file

Copy the following XML code into a text file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<variable-defaults variable-type="XFARepositoryFormInstance"> 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 
           &lt;m__mappingName&gt;Custom Configuration&lt;/m__mappingName&gt; 

Configuring XPath expressions for form variables

Because the xfaForm data type is different from the data type used in the LiveCycle 7.x for variable, XPath expressions that referenced lc7Form variables may be invalid after upgrading. After upgrading a process and changing the lc7Form variables to xfaForm variables, you must review XPath expressions that referenced and lc7Form variable and manually update expressions that have changed.

For example, the following XPath expression is used in a LiveCycle 7.x form variable to retrieve and set form field values:


After upgrading the process and corresponding form variable, the correct XPath expression is:


In this example, you must manually change the form-data node in the XPath expression to object .

Additionally, in LiveCycle Workflow 7.x, input and output properties for form variables could use variable names. However, in LiveCycle ES, input and output properties for form variables used XPath expressions. Each variable defined in a User QPAC must be re-mapped to use an XPath expression. (See Creating XPath expressions .)

Configuring invocation endpoints

The functionality that init-forms provided in LiveCycle Workflow 7.x was replaced by TaskManager endpoints in LiveCycle ES. You need to perform the following actions after you upgrade processes that include init-form variables:

  • Delete init-form variables.

  • Create TaskManager endpoints by using the Applications and Services pages of LiveCycle Administration Console. For information about creating endpoints, see Applications and Services Help after you access Applications and Services.

    Note: If the process is upgraded to the same category with a different version, the endpoint is created when LiveCycle 7.x is upgraded using LiveCycle Configuration Manager. In this case, you do not need to create the new endpoint, and LiveCycle ES2.5 will invoke the upgraded process.

To delete init-form variables:

  1. Click Window > Show View > Other.

  2. Click Adobe LiveCycle > 7x Init Forms and then click OK.

  3. In the 7x Init Forms view, for each item in the list, select the item and click the delete button.

Modifying the LC7UpgradeSubmit process

The Process Upgrade Tool deploys the LC7UpgradeSubmit process to support User actions in LiveCycle ES2.5 environments. This process performs form-submitting tasks that LiveCycle Form Manager performed in the LiveCycle 7.x environment.

You need to manually configure this process if the XDP form that is used for the process is a dynamic XML form and the name of the Re-render button was changed from the default name. The name of the Re-render button is configured by using the LiveCycle Form Manager administration pages:

  • The Re-Render Button Name property is on the LiveCycle Forms settings page.

  • If this property value was changed from the default value of RENDERAGAIN, you need to modify the LC7UpgradeSubmit process.

The LiveCycle Form Manager administration pages are part of the Adobe Administration Console in the LiveCycle 7.x environment.

To modify the LC7UpgradeSubmit process:

  1. Import the LC7Upgrade > LC7UpgradeSubmit process to an application. (See Importing from the run-time environment.)

  2. Right-click LC7UpgradeSubmit and click Edit.

  3. Click the route that begins at the Check Button And Action operation and ends at the execute0 operation.

  4. On the Process Properties view, double-click the first condition. The condition is contains(/process_data/@buttonName, "RENDERAGAIN") = "true" .

  5. In the Expression box, change RENDERAGAIN to the value that was set for the Re-render Button Name property in Form Manager 7.x.

    The expression should be contains(/process_data/@buttonName, " button name ") where button name is the value of the Re-render Button Name property.

  6. Save the process.

Modifying the LC7UpgradeRender process

The Process Upgrade Tool deploys the LC7UpgradeRender process to support User actions in LiveCycle ES2.5 environments. The processes perform form rendering tasks that LiveCycle Form Manager performed in the LiveCycle 7.x environment.

You need to manually configure this process if LiveCycle Form Manager was configured so that integration with LiveCycle Reader Extensions was disabled. This property is configured by using the LiveCycle Form Manager administration pages:

  • The LiveCycle Form Manger Is Configured To Interact With LiveCycle Reader Extensions option is on the General settings page.

  • If this option is not selected, modify the LC7UpgradeRender process.

The LiveCycle Form Manager administration pages are part of the Adobe Administration Console in the LiveCycle 7.x environment.

To modify the LC7UpgradeRender process:

  1. Import the LC7Upgrade > LC7UpgradeRender process to an application. (See Importing from the run-time environment.)

  2. Right-click LC7UpgradeRender and click Edit.

  3. Right-click the route that begins at the Workspace Enable PDF operation and ends at the Reader Extend PDF operation and click Delete Route.

  4. Save the process.

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