Remove Reviewer operation

Removes a reviewer from a review stage. It is recommended that you call this operation when the review stage is pending. For parallel review stages, it is possible that a reviewer completes the review before you remove them.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

The input properties for the operation.

Review ID

A string value that represents the unique review context identifier (review ID) for the review.

Stage Number

An int value that represents the stage number from which to remove the reviewer. A default value of one is provided to indicate the first stage.

LC UM Domain

A string value that specifies the LiveCycle User Management domain of the reviewer to remove.

LC UM Canonical Name

A string value that specifies the LiveCycle User Management canonical name of the reviewer, such as a user ID.


This operation can throw a com.adobe.livecycle.rca.common.exception.RCAException exception.

// Ethnio survey code removed