Adding an RTS and ARS implementationA sample implementation is provided for review tracking sheet and approval routing slip (client side and server side). Processes are provided in the under ReviewCommentingAndApproval - Samples application.
ARS RTS Creation Process is the main process, which can be called with inReviewContext as input. The process transforms the inReviewContext into a dataXML that is used by FDI to merge it with trackingSheet. This transformation is done by XMLTransformation process. The XMLTransformation process takes the inReviewContext as input and returns following data:
After completion of the XMLTransformation process, when execution is returned to the base process, it checks for signatureType . Based on the value of signatureType , the process reads the DXFA file from the repository. If the signatureType is SERVER_SIDE, the signatures are applied on the outputDocument by using the Alias element in dataXML. In the sample implementation, Alias is userId_domainName . If a user named Alex Pink (userId = apink) belongs to the domain sampleOrg, Alias would be apink_sampleOrg, and the system look in the trust store for the signatures with an alias of apink_sampleOrg. For server-side signatures to work, the digital signatures must be configured in the trust store with alias set as userId_domainName . Import the user signatures into the trust store by navigating to Settings > Trust Store Management > Local Credentials in the LiveCycle Administration Console and ensure that the signature alias is same as the user ID alias. For information about Trust Store Configuration, see LiveCycle ES2.5 Administration Help . |
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// Ethnio survey code removed