Adding reminders to stages

You can configure reminders to be sent to moderators, review initiators, and participants who have not completed their tasks for given stage using the <reminders> and <reminder> elements. Reminders are sent when the duration is set to DAYS or BUSINESS_DAYS . Reminders are not sent when the duration is set to MINUTES or HOURS .

For example, if you wanted to send a reminder to participants two days before the review ends and a reminder to the review initiator one day before the review ends, complete the following steps:

  1. Nest a <reminders> element under the <stage> element.

  2. Add a < reminder> element for each reminder.

  3. For each <reminder> element, use the recipient specify the review participant to which to send the reminder to using the values MODERATORS , INITIATORS , REMAINING_PARTICIPANTS , ALL .

  4. For each <reminder> element, use the days_before_expiry attribute to specify when before the review ends to send the reminder (in days). Ensure the value you use is less than the value for the duration attribute and the duration_unit attribute is set to DAYS or BUSINESS_DAYS in the <stage> element. (See Setting schedules for stages .)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<review_context xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" 
<initiator domain="" canonical_name="" name="" oid="" email="" isGroup="false"/> 
        <stage type="PARALLEL_REVIEW" wait_for_expiry="false" name="Basic-ParallelReview" duration="5" duration_unit="DAYS" taskType="WORKSPACE" non_expiring_stage="false"> 
        <reminder recipient="REMAINING_PARTICIPANTS" days_before_expiry="2"/> 
        <reminder recipient="INITATORS" days_before_expiry="1"/> 

// Ethnio survey code removed