User stories for managing reviews

You can manage initiated reviews using one of the following two options:

  • Use the GlobalCorp solution template to manage reviews.

  • Build a custom implementation. A custom implementation can invoke building block services to manage reviews.

During the review duration, review initiators can monitor a review to ensure that it gets completed. Review moderators can also be assigned to manage a review. Both review initiators and moderators can make audited parameter changes to the review, such as add participants, extend the duration for a review, and revoke a review (end the review).

In addition to managing participation and scheduling for a review, review initiators can reconcile comments and revise a review stage as necessary. When a stage is revised, it is updated with a new version of the content and restarted. Revising a review allows for a stage to iterate through multiple cycles as required to improve the content.

Review initiators and moderators often manage more than one review. Providing a mechanism to search for reviews and display reviews in a dashboard is desirable.

Common questions to ask to clarify requirements

  • Do customers require the ability to restart a review stage?

  • How often do you want reminders sent to reviewers?

  • What notifications do you want sent to participants?

  • What scheduling changes do you want to permit?

Requirements addressed

  • Handle comments and provide a mechanism to revise review content.

  • Manage the review cycle to extend or shorten review duration, force restart of next review stage, and end a review before it expires or completes.

  • Add additional review participants after the review has started.

Best practices, tips, and tricks

Provide only the functionality required to keep a review and process from expiring. Avoid adding functionality that deviates from the business rules that you are trying to follow. For example, when a review is required to complete in a specific time frame, limit the scheduling changes that review initiators can make.

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