The discover phase captures insights about the business,
the technology, and the user community.
Business discovery
The business discovery stage involves discussions with
the various business stakeholders. These discussions focus on gaining
an understanding of the driving factors for the solution and success
requirements that are not user-centric.
Some of the key considerations include:
Discover the review and approval workflows to automate
and prioritize them based on criteria such as return on investment
and reduction in cycle times.
Identify the participants involved in the review and the
rules that drive the reviews and approvals.
Technical discovery
The technical discovery stage involves an examination of
the current infrastructure, applications, and the technical staff.
The goal is to understand what currently exists and the aspects
of the current situation that can change.
Some of the key considerations include:
The type of approval required. For example, click-through
or digital signatures.
Integration with existing systems to dynamically discover
participants in a review/approval process.
Integration with existing ECM and records management and
archival systems.
Deployment and integration within an existing Enterprise
Intranet portal or corporate website.
Deployment architecture required to securely support external
Application server, operating system, database requirements,
and compatibility with LiveCycle ES2.5.
The number of reviews initiated per day, the number of concurrent
reviews, and the number of review templates defined.
The skill sets required to compare against capabilities of
the team or required to implement a project successfully.
User experience audit
The user experience audit stage investigates the users,
their backgrounds, working environment, knowledge, skill sets, and
expertise. The goal is to capture their needs, wants, likes, dislikes,
limitations, and pain points with respect to their current tools.
This solution guide provides a list of personas that have been
discovered and used to develop the solution template.