As with other AIR applications, you set the basic application
properties in the application descriptor file. Mobile applications
ignore some of the desktop-specific properties, such as window size
and transparency. Mobile applications can also use their own platform-specific
properties. For example, you can include an android element
for Android apps and an iPhone element for iOS
Common settingsSeveral application descriptor settings are important for
all mobile device applications.
Required AIR runtime versionSpecify the version of the AIR runtime required by your
application using the namespace of the application descriptor file.
The namespace, assigned in the application element,
determines, in large part, which features your application can use.
For example, if your application uses the AIR 2.7 namespace, and
the user has some future version installed, then your application
will still see the AIR 2.7 behavior (even if the behavior has been changed
in the future version). Only when you change the namespace and publish
an update will your application have access to the new behavior
and features. Security fixes are an important exception to this
On devices that use a runtime separate from the application,
such as Android on AIR 3.6 and earlier, the user will be prompted
to install or upgrade AIR if they do not have the required version.
On devices that incorporate the runtime, such as iPhone, this situation
does not occur (since the required version is packaged with the
app in the first place).
Note: (AIR 3.7 and higher) By default, ADT packages the runtime
with Android applications.
Specify the namespace using the xmlns attribute of the root application element.
The following namespaces should be used for mobile applications (depending
on which mobile platform you are targeting):
iOS 4+ and iPhone 3Gs+ or Android:
<application xmlns="">
iOS only:
<application xmlns="">
Note: Support for iOS 3 devices is provided by the Packager for
iPhone SDK, based on the AIR 2.0 SDK. For information about building
AIR applications for iOS 3, see Building iPhone apps. The AIR 2.6
SDK (and later) support iOS 4, and above on iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4,
and iPad devices.
Application identitySeveral settings should be unique for each application
that you publish. These include the ID, the name, and the filename.
Android application IDsOn Android, the
ID is converted to the Android package name by prefixing “air.” to
the AIR ID. Thus, if your AIR ID is com.example.MyApp, then
the Android package name is
<name>My Application</name>
addition, if the ID is not a legal package name on the Android operating system,
it is converted to a legal name. Hyphen characters are changed to
underscores and leading digits in any ID component are preceded
by a capital “A”. For example, the ID: 3-goats.1-boat, is
transformed to the package name: air.A3_goats.A1_boat.
Note: The
prefix added to the application ID can be used to identify AIR applications in
the Android Market. If you do not want your application to identified
as an AIR application because of the prefix, you must unpackage
the APK file, change the application ID, and repackage it as described
in, Opt-out of AIR application analytics for Android.
iOS application IDsSet the AIR application
ID to match the app ID you created in the Apple iOS Provisioning
iOS App IDs contain a bundle seed ID followed by
a bundle identifier. The bundle seed ID is a string of characters,
such as 5RM86Z4DJM, that Apple assigns to the App ID. The bundle
identifier contains a reverse-domain-style name that you pick. The
bundle identifier can end in an asterisk (*), indicating a wildcard
app ID. If the bundle identifier ends in the wildcard character,
you can replace that wildcard with any legal string.
If your Apple app ID is,,
you must use com.example.helloWorld in the application
If your Apple app ID is* (a
wildcard app ID), then you could use com.example.helloWorld,
or com.example.anotherApp, or some other ID that
starts with com.example.
Finally, if your Apple app ID is just the bundle seed ID
and a wildcard, such as: 38JE93KJL.*, then you
can use any application ID in AIR.
When specifying
the app ID, do not include the bundle seed ID portion of the app ID.
Application versionIn AIR 2.5 and later, specify the application version in
the versionNumber element. The version element
can no longer be used. When specifying a value for versionNumber,
you must use a sequence of up to three numbers separated by dots,
such as: “0.1.2”. Each segment of the version number can have up
to three digits. (In other words, “999.999.999” is the largest version
number permitted.) You do not have to include all three segments
in the number; “1” and “1.0” are legal version numbers as well.
You can also specify a label for the version using the versionLabel element. When
you add a version label it is displayed instead of the version number
in such places as the Android Application info screen. A version
label must be specified for apps that are distributed using the
Android Market. If you do not specify a versionLabel value
in the AIR application descriptor, then the versionNumber value
is assigned to the Android version label field.
<!-- AIR 2.5 and later -->
<versionLabel>1.23 Beta 7</versionLabel>
On Android, the AIR versionNumber is translated
to the Android integer versionCode using the formula: a*1000000 + b*1000 + c,
where a, b, and c are the components of the AIR version number: a.b.c.
Main application SWFSpecify the main application SWF file in the content child
of the initialWindow element. When you target devices
in the mobile profile, you must use a SWF file (HTML-based applications
are not supported).
You must include the file in the AIR package (using ADT or your
IDE). Simply referencing the name in the application descriptor
does not cause the file to be included in the package automatically.
Main screen propertiesSeveral child elements of the initialWindow element control
the initial appearance and behavior of the main application screen.
aspectRatio — Specifies whether the application
should initially display in a portrait format (height greater
than width), a landscape format (height less than width),
or any format (the stage automatically orients to all orientations).
autoOrients — Specifies whether the stage should automatically
change orientation as the user rotates the device or performs another
orientation-related gesture such as opening or closing a sliding
keyboard. If false, which is the default, then the stage
will not change orientation with the device.
depthAndStencil — Specifies to use the depth or stencil
buffer. You typically use these buffers when working with 3D content.
fullScreen — Specifies whether the application should
take up the full device display, or should share the display with
the normal operating system chrome, such as a system status bar.
renderMode — Specifies whether the runtime should
render the application with the graphics processing unit (GPU) or
the main, central processing unit (CPU). In general, GPU rendering
will increase rendering speed, but some features, such as certain
blend modes and PixelBender filters, are unavailable in GPU mode.
In addition, different devices, and different device drivers, have varying
GPU capabilities and limitations. You should always test your application
on the widest variety of devices possible, especially when using
GPU mode.
You can set the render mode to gpu, cpu, direct,
or auto. The default value is auto, which currently
falls back to cpu mode.
Note: In order to leverage GPU acceleration
of Flash content with AIR for mobile platforms, Adobe recommends
that you use renderMode="direct" (that is, Stage3D) rather than
renderMode="gpu". Adobe officially supports and recommends the following
Stage3D based frameworks: Starling (2D) and Away3D (3D). For more
details on Stage3D and Starling/Away3D, see
Note: You
cannot use renderMode=”direct” for applications that run in the background.
limitations of GPU mode are:
The Flex framework does
not support the GPU rendering mode.
Filters are not supported
PixelBender blends, and fills are not supported
The following blend modes are not supported: layer, alpha,
erase, overlay, hardlight, lighten, and darken
Using GPU rendering mode in an app that plays video is not
In GPU rendering mode, text fields are not properly moved
to a visible location when the virtual keyboard opens. To ensure
that your text field is visible while the user enters text use the
softKeyboardRect property of the stage and soft keyboard events
to move the text field to the visible area.
If a display object cannot be rendered by the GPU, it is
not displayed at all. For example, if a filter is applied to a display
object, the object is not shown.
Note: The GPU implementation
for iOS in AIR 2.6+ is much different than the implementation used
in the earlier, AIR 2.0 version. Different optimization considerations
Supported profilesYou can add the supportedProfiles element
to specify which device profiles your application supports. Use
the mobileDevice profile for mobile devices. When you run your application
with the Adobe Debug Launcher (ADL), ADL uses the first profile
in the list as the active profile. You can also use the -profile flag
when running ADL to select a particular profile in the supported list.
If your application runs under all profiles, you can leave the supportedProfiles element
out altogether. ADL uses the desktop profile as the default active
profile in this case.
To specify that your application supports both the mobile device
and desktop profiles, and you normally want to test the app in the
mobile profile, add the following element:
<supportedProfiles>mobileDevice desktop</supportedProfiles>
Required native extensionsApplications that support the mobileDevice profile
can use native extensions.
Declare all native extensions that the AIR application uses in
the application descriptor. The following example illustrates the
syntax for specifying two required native extensions:
The extensionID element has the same value as
the id element in the extension descriptor file.
The extension descriptor file is an XML file called extension.xml.
It is packaged in the ANE file you receive from the native extension
Virtual keyboard behaviorSet the softKeyboardBehavior element to none in
order to disable the automatic panning and resizing behavior that
the runtime uses to make sure that the focused text entry field
is in view after the virtual keyboard is raised. If you disable
the automatic behavior, then it is your application’s responsibility
to make sure that the text entry area, or other relevant content
is visible after the keyboard is raised. You can use the softKeyboardRect property
of the stage in conjunction with the SoftKeyboardEvent to detect
when the keyboard opens and determine the area it obscures.
To enable the automatic behavior, set the element value to pan:
Since pan is the default value, omitting the softKeyboardBehavior element
also enables the automatic keyboard behavior. Note: When you also
use GPU rendering, the pan behavior is not supported.
Android settingsOn the Android platform, you can use the android element
of the application descriptor to add information to the Android
application manifest, which is an application properties file used
by the Android operating system. ADT automatically generates the
Android Manifest.xml file when you create the APK package. AIR sets
a few properties to the values required for certain features to
work. Any other properties set in the android section of the AIR
application descriptor are added to the corresponding section of
the Manifest.xml file.
Note: For most AIR applications, you must set the Android permissions
needed by your application within the android element,
but you generally will not need to set any other properties.
You can only set attributes that take string, integer, or boolean
values. Setting references to resources in the application package
is not supported.
Note: The runtime requires a minimum SDK version equal to or greater than 14. If you wish to create an application only for higher versions, you should ensure that the Manifest includes <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=""></uses-sdk> with correct version, accordingly.
Reserved Android manifest settingsAIR sets several manifest entries in the generated Android
manifest document to ensure that application and runtime features
work correctly. You cannot define the following settings:
manifest elementYou cannot set the following
attributes of the manifest element:
activity elementYou cannot set the following
attributes for the main activity element:
application elementYou cannot set the
following attributes of the application element:
Android permissionsThe Android security model requires that each app request
permission in order to use features that have security or privacy
implications. These permissions must be specified when the app is
packaged, and cannot be changed at runtime. The Android operating
system informs the user which permissions an app is requesting when
the user installs it. If a permission required for a feature is
not requested, the Android operating system might throw an exception
when your application access the feature, but an exception is not
guaranteed. Exceptions are transmitted by the runtime to your application.
In the case of a silent failure, a permission failure message is
added to the Android system log.
In AIR, you specify the Android permissions inside the android element
of the application descriptor. The following format is used for
adding permissions (where PERMISSION_NAME is the name of an Android
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PERMISSION_NAME" />
The uses-permissions statements inside the manifest element
are added directly to the Android manifest document.
The following permissions are required to use various AIR features:
- Allows the application to access WIFI and cellular network
location data through the Geolocation class.
- Allows the application to access GPS data through the Geolocation
- Allows the application to access network information the
NetworkInfo class.
- Allows the application to access the camera.
Note: When
you ask for permission to use the camera feature, Android assumes
that your application also requires the camera. If the camera is
an optional feature of your application, then you should add a uses-feature element
to the manifest for the camera, setting the required attribute to false.
See Android compatibility filtering.
- Allows the application to make network requests. Also allows
remote debugging.
- Allows the AIR runtime to mute audio during phone calls. You
should set this permission if your app plays audio while in the
- Allows the application to access the microphone.
- Allows the application to prevent the device from going to
sleep using the SystemIdleMode class settings.
- Allows the application to write to the external memory card
on the device.
For example, to set the permissions for an app that impressively
requires every permission, you could add the following to the application
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Android custom URI schemesYou can use a custom URI scheme to launch an AIR application
from a web page or a native Android application. Custom URI support
relies on intent filters specified in the Android manifest, so this
technique cannot be used on other platforms.
To use a custom URI, add an intent-filter to the application
descriptor within the <android> block. Both intent-filter elements
in the following example must be specified. Edit the <data android:scheme="my-customuri"/> statement
to reflect the URI string for your custom scheme.
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:scheme="my-customuri"/>
An intent filter informs the Android operating system that your
application is available to perform a given action. In the case
of a custom URI, this means that the user has clicked a link using
that URI scheme (and the browser does not know how to handle it).
When your application is invoked through a custom URI, the NativeApplication object
dispatches an invoke event. The URL of the link,
including query parameters, is placed in the arguments array
of the InvokeEvent object. You can use any number of intent-filters.
Note: Links in a StageWebView instance cannot open URLs that use
a custom URI scheme.
Android compatibility filteringThe Android operating system uses a number of elements
in the application manifest file to determine whether your application
is compatible with a given device. Adding this information to the
manifest is optional. If you do not include these elements, your
application can be installed on any Android device. However, it
may not operate properly on any Android device. For example, a camera
app will not be very useful on a phone that does not have a camera.
The Android manifest tags that you can use for filtering include:
uses-sdk (in AIR 3+)
Camera applicationsIf you request the
camera permission for your application, Android assumes that the
app requires all available camera features, including auto-focus
and flash. If your app does not require all camera features, or
if the camera is an optional feature, you should set the various uses-feature elements
for the camera to indicate that these are optional. Otherwise, users
with devices that are missing one feature or that do not have a
camera at all, will not be able to find your app on the Android
The following example illustrates how to request permission
for the camera and make all camera features optional:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
Audio recording applicationsIf you request
the permission to record audio, Android also assumes that the app requires
a microphone. If audio recording is an optional feature of your
app, you can add a uses-feature tag to specify that the microphone
is not required. Otherwise, users with devices that do not have
a microphone, will not be able to find your app on the Android Market.
following example illustrates how to request permission to use the
microphone while still making the microphone hardware optional:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.microphone" android:required="false"/>
Install locationYou can permit your application to be installed or moved
to the external memory card by setting the installLocation attribute
of the Android manifest element to either auto or preferExternal:
<manifest android:installLocation="preferExternal"/>
The Android operating system doesn’t guarantee that your app
will be installed to the external memory. A user can also move the
app between internal and external memory using the system settings
Even when installed to external memory, application cache and
user data, such as the contents of the app-storage directory, shared
objects, and temporary files, are still stored in the internal memory.
To avoid using too much internal memory, be selective about the
data you save to the application storage directory. Large amounts
of data should be saved to the SDCard using the File.userDirectory or File.documentsDirectory locations
(which both map to the root of the SD card on Android).
Enabling Flash Player and other plug-ins in a StageWebView objectIn Android 3.0+, an application must enable hardware acceleration
in the Android application element in order for plug-in content
to be displayed in a StageWebView object. To enable plug-in rendering,
set the android:hardwareAccelerated attribute of
the application element to true:
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true"/>
Color depth
In AIR 3 and later, the runtime sets the display to render 32-bit
colors. In earlier versions of AIR, the runtime uses 16-bit color.
You can instruct the runtime to use 16-bit color using the <colorDepth>
element of the application descriptor:
Using the 16-bit color depth can increase rendering performance,
but at the expense of color fidelity.
iOS SettingsSettings that apply only to iOS devices are placed within
the <iPhone> element in the application descriptor.
The iPhone element can have an InfoAdditions element,
a requestedDisplayResolution element, an Entitlements element,
an externalSwfs element, and a forceCPURenderModeForDevices element
as children.
The InfoAdditions element lets you specify key-value
pairs that are added to the Info.plist settings file for the application.
For example, the following values set the status bar style of the
application and state that the application does not require persistent
Wi-Fi access. <InfoAdditions>
The InfoAdditions settings are enclosed in a CDATA tag.
Th Entitlements element lets you specify key-value
pairs added to the Entitlements.plist settings file for the application.
Entitlements.plist settings provide application access to certain
iOS features, such as push notifications.
For more detailed information on Info.plist and Entitlements.plist
settings, see the Apple developer documentation.
Supporting background tasks on iOS
Adobe AIR 3.3 and higher supports multitasking on iOS by enabling
certain background behaviors:
Note: With swf-version 21 and its earlier versions, AIR does not
support background execution on iOS and Android when render mode
direct is set. Due to this restriction, Stage3D based apps cannot
execute background tasks like audio playback, location updates,
network upload or download, etc. iOS does not allow OpenGLES or rendering
of calls in the background. Applications which attempt to make OpenGL calls
in the background are terminated by iOS. Android does not restrict
applications from either making OpenGLES calls in the background
or performing other background tasks like audio playback. With swf-version
22 and later, AIR mobile applications can execute in the background
when renderMode direct is set. The AIR iOS runtime results in an
ActionScript error (3768 - The Stage3D API may not be used during
background execution) if OpenGLES calls are made in the background. However,
there are no errors on Android because its native applications are
allowed to make OpenGLES calls in the background. For optimal utilization
of mobile resource, do not make rendering calls while an application
is executing in the background.
Background audioTo enable background
audio playback and recording, include the following key-value pair
in the InfoAdditions element:
Background location updatesTo enable
background location updates, include the following key-value pair
in the InfoAdditions element:
Note: Use this feature only when
necessary, as location APIs are a significant drain on the battery.
Background networkingTo execute short
tasks in the background, your application sets the NativeApplication.nativeApplication.executeInBackground property
to true.
For example, your application may
start a file upload operation after which the user moves another
application to the front. When the application receives an upload
completion event, it can set NativeApplication.nativeApplication.executeInBackground to false.
the NativeApplication.nativeApplication.executeInBackground property
to true does not guarantee the application will
run indefinitely, as iOS imposes a time limit on background tasks.
When iOS stops background processing, AIR dispatches the NativeApplication.suspend event.
Opting out of background executionYour
application can explicitly opt out of background execution by including
the following key-value pair in the InfoAdditions element:
Reserved iOS InfoAdditions settingsAIR sets several entries in the generated Info.plist file
to ensure that application and runtime features work correctly.
You cannot define the following settings:
(reserved till 3.2)
Note: You can define the MinimumOSVersion. The MinimumOSVersion
definition is honoured in Air 3.3 and later.
Supporting different iOS device modelsFor iPad support, include the proper key-value settings
for UIDeviceFamily within your InfoAdditions element.
The UIDeviceFamily setting is an array of strings.
Each string defines supported devices. The <string>1</string> setting
defines support for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The <string>2</string> setting
defines support for the iPad.The <string>3</string> setting
defines support for the tvOS. If you specify only one of these strings,
only that device family is supported. For example, the following
setting limits support to the iPad:
The following setting supports both device families (iPhone/iPod
Touch and iPad):
The following setting limits support for tvOS:
Note: If UIDeviceFamily is not provided and tvOS provisioning is given, then the UIDeviceFamily value equal to 3 is added automatically in the final IPA that is generated.
Note: Following warnings appear if there is a mismatch between the provisioning profile and the UIDeviceFamily value:
Warning: Provisioning profile specified for tvOS, ignoring iOS UIDeviceFamily value(s).
Warning: Provisioning profile specified for iOS, ignoring tvOS UIDeviceFamily value(s).
Additionally, in AIR 3.7 and higher, you can use the forceCPURenderModeForDevices tag
to force CPU render mode for a specified set of devices and enable
GPU render mode for remaining iOS devices.
You add this tag as a child of the iPhone tag
and specify a space-separated list of device model names. For a
list of valid device model names, see forceCPURenderModeForDevices.
For example, to use CPU mode in old iPods, iPhones, and iPads
and enable GPU mode for all other devices, specify the following
in the application descriptor:
<forceCPURenderModeForDevices>iPad1,1 iPhone1,1 iPhone1,2 iPod1,1
High-resolution displaysThe requestedDisplayResolution element
specifies whether your application should use the standard or high resolution
mode on iOS devices with high-resolution screens.
In high-resolution mode, you can address each pixel on a high-resolution
display individually. In the standard mode, the device screen will
appear to your application as a standard resolution screen. Drawing
a single pixel in this mode will set the color of four pixels on
the high-resolution screen.
The default setting is standard. Note that for
targeting iOS devices, you use the requestedDisplayResolution element
as a child of the iPhone element (not the InfoAdditions element
or initialWindow element).
If you want to use different settings on different devices, specify
your default value as the requestedDisplayResolution element’s
value. Use the excludeDevices attribute to specify
devices that should use the opposite value. For example, with the
following code, high resolution mode is used for all devices that
support it except 3rd-generation iPads, which use standard mode:
<requestedDisplayResolution excludeDevices="iPad3">high</requestedDisplayResolution>
The excludeDevices attribute is available in
AIR 3.6 and later.
iOS custom URI schemesYou can register a custom URI scheme to allow your application
to be invoked by a link in a web page or another, native application
on the device. To register a URI scheme, add a CFBundleURLTypes
key to the InfoAdditions element. The following example registers
a URI scheme named to allow an application
to be invoked by URLs with the form: example://foo.
When your application is invoked through a custom URI, the NativeApplication object
dispatches an invoke event. The URL of the link,
including query parameters, is placed in the arguments array
of the InvokeEvent object. You can use any number of custom URI
Note: Links in a StageWebView instance cannot open URLs that use
a custom URI scheme.
Note: If another application has already registered a scheme, then
your application cannot replace it as the application registered
for that URI scheme.
iOS compatibility filteringAdd entries to a UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities array within
the InfoAdditions element if your application should
only be used on devices with specific hardware or software capabilities.
For example, the following entry indicates that an application requires
a still camera and a microphone:
If a device lacks the corresponding capability, the application
cannot be installed. The capability settings relevant to AIR applications
AIR 2.6+ automatically adds armv7 and opengles-2 to
the list of required capabilities.
Note: You do not need to include these capabilities in the application
descriptor in order for your application to use them. Use the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities
settings only to prevent users from installing your application
on devices on which it cannot function properly.
Exiting instead of pausingWhen a user switches away from an AIR application it enters
the background and pauses. If you want your application to exit
completely instead of pausing, set the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend property
to YES:
Minimize download size by loading external, asset-only SWFs
You can minimize your initial application download size by packaging
a subset of the SWFs used by your application and loading the remaining
(asset-only) external SWFs at runtime using the Loader.load() method.
To use this feature, you must package the application such that
ADT moves all ActionScript ByteCode (ABC) from the externally loaded
SWF files to the main application SWF, leaving a SWF file that contains
only assets. This is to conform with the Apple Store’s rule that
forbids downloading any code after an application is installed.
ADT does the following to support externally loaded SWFs (also
called stripped SWFs):
Reads the text file specified in the <iPhone> element’s <externalSwfs> subelement
to access the line-delimited list of SWFs to be loaded at execution time:
Transfers the ABC code from each externally loaded SWF to
the main executable.
Omits the externally loaded SWFs from the .ipa file.
Copies the stripped SWFs to the .remoteStrippedSWFs directory.
You host these SWFs on a web server and your application loads them,
as necessary, at runtime.
You indicate the SWF files to be loaded at runtime by specifying
their names, one per line in a text file, as the following example
The file path specified is relative to the application descriptor
file. Additionally, you must specify these swfs as assets in the adt command.
Note: This feature applies to standard packaging only. For fast
packaging (using for example, using interpreter, simulator, or debug)
ADT does not create stripped SWFs.
For more information on this feature, including sample
code, see External hosting of secondary SWFs for AIR
apps on iOS, a blog post by Adobe engineer Abhinav Dhandh.
Geolocation SupportFor Geolocation support, add one of the following key-value
pairs to the InfoAdditions element:
<string>Sample description to allow geolocation always</string>
<string>Sample description to allow geolocation when application is in foreground</string>
<string>Sample description to allow geolocation always and when application is in foreground</string>
Application iconsThe following table lists the icon sizes used on each mobile
Icon size
Android, iOS
Android, iOS
Android, iOS
Android, iOS
Specify the path to the icon files in the icon element of the
application descriptor file:
If you do not supply an icon of a given size, the next largest
size is used and scaled to fit.
Icons on AndroidOn Android, the icons
specified in the application descriptor are used as the application
Launcher icon. The application Launcher icon should be supplied
as a set of 36x36–pixel, 48x48–pixel, 72x72–pixel, 96x96–pixel, 144x144–pixel, and 192x192–pixel PNG
images. These icon sizes are used for low-density, medium-density, and high-density screens, respectively.
The developers are required to submit the 512x512–pixel icon at the time of app-submission on Google Play Store.
Icons on iOSThe icons defined in the
application descriptor are used in the following places for an iOS
A 29-by-29–pixel icon— Spotlight search
icon for lower resolution iPhones/iPods and Settings icon for lower
resolution iPads.
A 40-by-40–pixel icon— Spotlight search icon for lower resolution
A 48-by-48–pixel icon—AIR adds a border to this image and
uses it as a 50x50 icon for spotlight search on lower resolution
A 50-by-50–pixel icon— Spotlight search for lower resolution
A 57-by-57–pixel icon— Application icon for lower resolution
A 58-by-58–pixel icon— Spotlight icon for Retina Display
iPhones/iPods and Settings icon for Retina Display iPads.
A 60-by-60–pixel icon— Application icon for lower resolution
A 72-by-72–pixel icon (optional)—Application Icon for lower
resolution iPads.
A 76-by-76–pixel icon (optional)—Application Icon for lower
resolution iPads.
A 80-by-80–pixel icon— Spotlight search for high resolution iPhones/iPods/iPads.
A 100-by-100–pixel icon— Spotlight search for Retina Display
A 114-by-114–pixel icon— Application Icon for Retina display
A 120-by-120–pixel icon— Application icon for high resolution
A 152-by-152–pixel icon— Application icon for high resolution
A 167-by-167–pixel icon— Application icon for high resolution iPad Pro.
A 512-by-512–pixel icon— Application icon for lower resolution iPhones/iPods/iPads).
iTunes displays this icon. The 512-pixel PNG file is used only for
testing development versions of your application When you submit the
final application to the Apple App Store, you submit the 512 image separately,
as a JPG file. It is not included in the IPA.
A 1024-by-1024-pixel icon— Application icon for Retina Display iPhones/iPods/iPads.
adds a glare effect to the icon. You do not need to apply the effect
to your source image. To remove this default glare effect, add the
following to the InfoAdditions element in the application
descriptor file:
Note: 1. Starting AIR 28, needs to be packaged along with application xml and swf file for the icons to be visible on devices having iOS 11 and above.
2. On iOS, application metadata is inserted as png metadata into the application icons
so that Adobe can track the number of AIR applications available
in the Apple iOS app store. If you do not want your application
to identified as an AIR application because of this icon metadata,
you must unpackage the IPA file, remove the icon metadata, and repackage
it. This procedure is described in the article Opt-out of AIR application analytics for
iOS launch imagesIn addition to the application icons, you must also provide
at least one launch image named Default.png. Optionally,
you can include separate launch images for different starting orientations,
different resolutions (including high-resolution retina display
and 16:9 aspect ratio), and different devices. You can also include
different launch images to be used when your application is invoked through
a URL.
Launch image files are not referenced in the application descriptor
and must be placed in the root application directory. (Do not put
the files in a subdirectory.)
File naming schemeName the image according
to the following scheme:
basename + screen size modifier + urischeme + orientation + scale + device + .png
The basename portion
of the file name is the only required part. It is either Default (with
a capital D) or the name you specify using the UILaunchImageFile key in
the InfoAdditions element in the application descriptor.
The screen size modifier portion
designates the size of the screen when it is not one of the standard
screen sizes. This modifier only applies to iPhone and iPod touch
models with 16:9 aspect-ratio screens, such as the iPhone 5 and
iPod touch (5th generation). The only supported value for this modifier
is -568h. Since these devices support high-resolution
(retina) displays, the screen size modifier is always used with
an image that has the @2x scale modifier as well.
The complete default launch image name for these devices is Default-568h@2x.png.
The urischeme portion
is the string used to identify the URI scheme. This portion only
applies if your app supports one or more custom URL schemes. For
example, if your application can be invoked through a link such
as example://foo, use -example as
the scheme portion of the launch image file name.
The orientation portion
provides a way to specify multiple launch images to use depending
on the device orientation when the application is launched. This portion
only applies to images for iPad apps. It can be one of the following
values, referring to the orientation that the device is in when
the application starts up:
The scale portion
is @2x ( for iPhone 4, iPhone 5 and iPhone 6) or @3x (for
iPhone 6 plus) for the launch images used for high-resolution (retina)
displays. (Omit the scale portion entirely for the images used for
standard resolution displays.) For launch images for taller devices
such as iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation), you must also
specify the screen size modifier -528h after the
basename portion and before any other portion.
The device portion
is used to designate launch images for handheld devices and phones.
This portion is used when your app is a universal app that supports
both handheld devices and tablets with a single app binary. The
possible value must be either ~ipad or ~iphone (for
both iPhone and iPod Touch).
For iPhone, you can only include
portrait aspect-ratio images. However, in case of iPhone 6 plus,
landscape images can also be added. Use 320x480 pixel images for standard
resolution devices, 640x960 pixel images for high-resolution devices, and
640x1136 pixel images for 16:9 aspect-ratio devices such as iPhone
5 and iPod touch (5th generation).
For iPad, you include images
as follows:
AIR 3.3 and earlier —Non-full-screen
images: Include both landscape (1024x748 for normal resolution,
2048x1496 for high resolution) and portrait (768x1004 for normal
resolution, 1536x2008 for high resolution) aspect-ratio images.
AIR 3.4 and later — Full-screen images: Include both landscape
(1024x768 for normal resolution, 2048x1536 for high resolution)
and portrait (768x1024 for normal resolution, 1536x2048 for high
resolution) aspect-ratio images. Note that when you package a full-screen
image for a non-full-screen application, the top 20 pixels (top
40 pixels for high resolution ) are covered by the status bar. Avoid
displaying important information in this area.
ExamplesThe following table shows an
example set of launch images that you could include for a hypothetical
application that supports the widest possible range of devices and
orientations, and can be launched with URLs using the example:// scheme:
File name
Image size
320 x 480
iPhone, standard resolution
640 x 960
iPhone, high resolution
640 x 1136
iPhone, high resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio
768 x 1004 (AIR 3.3 and earlier)
x 1024 (AIR 3.4 and higher)
iPad, portrait orientation
1536 x 2008 (AIR 3.3 and earlier)
x 2048 (AIR 3.4 and higher)
iPad, high resolution, portrait orientation
768 x 1004 (AIR 3.3 and earlier)768 x 1024
(AIR 3.4 and higher)
iPad, upside down portrait orientation
1536 x 2008 (AIR 3.3 and earlier)1536 x
2048 (AIR 3.4 and higher)
iPad, high resolution, upside down portrait orientation
1024 x 768
iPad, left landscape orientation
2048 x 1536
iPad, high resolution, left landscape orientation
1024 x 768
iPad, right landscape orientation
2048 x 1536
iPad, high resolution, right landscape orientation
320 x 480
example:// URL on standard iPhone
640 x 960
example:// URL on high-resolution iPhone
768 x 1004
example:// URL on iPad in portrait orientations
1024 x 768
example:// URL on iPad in landscape orientations
This example only illustrates one approach.
You could, for example, use the Default.png image
for the iPad, and specify specific launch images for the iPhone
and iPod with Default~iphone.png and Default@2x~iphone.png.
See alsoiOS Application Programming Guide: Application
Launch Images
Launch images to package for iOS devices
Resolution (pixels)
Launch image name
iPhone 4 (non-retina)
640 x 960
iPhone 4, 4s
640 x 960
iPhone 5, 5c, 5s
640 x 1136
iPhone 6,7,8
750 x 1334
iPhone 6+,7+,8+
1242 x 2208
iPhone 6+,7+,8+
2208 x 1242
iPhone X,XS
1125 x 2436
iPhone X,XS
2436 x 1125
iPhone XR
828 x 1792
iPhone XR
1792 x 828
iPhone XS Max
1242 x 2688
iPhone XS Max
2688 x 1242
iPad 1, 2
768 x 1024
iPad 1, 2
1024 x 768
iPad 3, Air
1536 x 2048
iPad 3, Air
2048 x 1536
iPad Pro (10.5")
1668 x 2224
iPad Pro (10.5")
2224 x 1668
iPad Pro (11")
1668 x 2388
iPad Pro (11")
2388 x 1668
iPad Pro (12.9")
2048 x 2732
iPad Pro (12.9")
2732 x 2048
Art guidelinesYou can create any art
you’d like for a launch image, as long as it is the correct dimensions.
However, it is often best to have the image match the initial state
of your application. You can create such a launch image by taking
a screenshot of the startup screen of your application:
Open your application on the iOS device. When the first
screen of the user interface appears, press and hold the Home button
(below the screen). While holding the Home button, press the Power/Sleep
button (at the top of the device). This takes a screenshot and sends
it to the Camera Roll.
Transfer the image to your development computer by transferring
photos from iPhoto or another photo transfer application.
not include text in the launch image if your application is localized
into multiple languages. The launch image is static and the text
would not match other languages.
See alsoiOS Human Interface Guidelines: Launch images
Icons and launch images for tvOSFollow the steps below to create using Xcode for generating application icons, launch images, and TopShelf Images for your Apple TV application.
Step 1. On your Mac, open Xcode and choose File > New > Project > tvOS Application > Single View Application. Provide a name to the app and click create. In the general tab of your project, select your Deployment Target.
Step 2. Click Assets.xcassets in the left column and drag your images to different sections App Icon - Large, App Icon - Small, Top Shelf Image, and Launch Image.
For icon sizes and specifications, follow Apple's guidelines for tvOS icons and images.
Step 3.Run this native app on your tvOS device (tvOS 9.2+) and check if your icons and images appear correctly.
Go to the .app file created in your file system where you created the project — right click on .app file and click on show package contents.
Copy the file from the package. You can package the app with the extracted as shown in the following ADT command.
<path to adt> -package -target ipa-app-store -provisioning-profile <.mobileprovision> -keystore <.p12> -storetype pkcs12 -storepass <password> <.ipa> <.xml> <.swf>
Add the tags mentioned below in the application descriptor file before packaging for your images:
<string>{1920, 1080}</string>
<string>Top Shelf Image</string>
<string>Top Shelf Image Wide</string>
<string>App Icon - Small</string>
Note: 1. If is created from Xcode 9, icon tag in application descriptor file should be:
<string>App Icon</string>
If is created from Xcode 8, icon tag in application descriptor file should be:
<string>App Icon - Small</string>
Ignored settingsApplications on mobile devices ignore application settings
that apply to native windows or desktop operating system features.
The ignored settings are: