About the upgraded environment

When the LiveCycle ES environment is upgraded to LiveCycle ES2.5, the properties of legacy processes, resources, and events are unchanged. For example, if a process was locked before the upgrade, in Adobe LiveCycle Workspace 9, the process appears with a lock icon on it after the upgrade. Consider unlocking all processes, resources and event types before you import them to LiveCycle ES2.5. In Workbench, you cannot lock/unlock processes. The following summary describes what occurs to an upgraded legacy asset:

Processes and process versions:
Remain in the Processes view. Lock, activation, and recording properties remain unchanged.

Remain in the Resources view. Resource locks remain unchanged.

Event types:
Remain in the Events view. Locks and activation properties remain unchanged.

After you upgrade, check-in and deploy the process, process version, resource, or event to remove the lock property.

The run-time instances of legacy processes, resources, and event types continue to execute in the LiveCycle ES2.5 environment. References between processes, resources, and events are persisted:

  • Processes continue to execute correctly.

  • Forms continue to reference form fragments and other resources correctly.

Additionally, service endpoints remain unchanged. Processes can be invoked using the same endpoints that existed in the LiveCycle ES environment.

In Workbench, interaction with items in the Processes, Resources, and Events view is limited. Many features and commands have moved from these views to the new Applications view. For example, you cannot open resources for editing or viewing from the Resources view.

Review the LiveCycle ES2.5 run-time environment:

Open the following perspectives and views:
  • LiveCycle Runtime View perspective (includes the Applications, Resources, Services, and Events views)

  • Processes view

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