Generate 3D PDF

The Generate 3D PDF service converts various 3D file formats to 3D PDF. It can also convert those 3D file formats to other 3D and 2D file formats. Additionally, this service can reuse the results of previous conversions by supporting product lifecycle management (PLM) systems and using cached conversion results.

Note: The Generate 3D PDF service is for Microsoft Windows® operating systems only. Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1 must be installed on the server that is hosting Adobe LiveCycle ES2.5. No CAD applications are required to support conversion.

The Generate 3D PDF service supports 3D files produced by the following CAD applications. It can convert the supported file types to 3D PDF or to an export file format. The file name extensions for the supported file types are shown in parentheses.

  • 3DXML (3DXML)


  • Acrobat 3D PDF (PDF)

  • Autodesk 3D Studio (3DS)

  • Autodesk Inventor up to 12.x, 2009 (IPT, IAM)





  • CGR (CGR)


  • Hewlett-Packard Graphics Library (HP, HGL, HPL, HPGL, PLT)

  • Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

  • Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES, IGES)

  • JTOpen up to JT 9.1 (JT)

  • KMZ (KMZ)

  • Lattice XVL (XV3, XV0)

  • OneSpace Designer V3 UP TO V2008 (PKG, SDP, SDPC, SDW, SDWC, SDA, SDAC, SDS,SDSC, SES, BDL)

  • Parasolid up to 19 (X_T, X_B)


  • Siemens I-deas (MF1, ARC, UNV, PKG)

  • Siemens NX up to NX 6, 2D (PRT)

  • Solid Edge V19, V20, ST (ASM, PAR, PWD, PSM)

  • SolidWorks up to 2009 (SLDASM, SLDPRT)

  • STEP Exchange AP 203, AP 214 (STP, STEP)

  • Stereo Lithography (STL)


  • UG NX

  • UG NX drawings

  • Universal 3D ECMA 1, ECMA 3 (U3)

  • Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) Worlds V1.0, V2.0 (WRL, VRML)

  • Wavefront Object (OBJ)

The Generate 3D PDF service can also convert 3D PDF and supported 3D CAD files to the following 3D formats. For example, it can convert Wavefront Object files to VRML.

  • 3D PDF

  • PDF/E-1

  • IGES

  • Parasolid

  • STEP

  • STL

  • Universal 3D

  • VRML

The Generate 3D PDF service can convert 3D PDF and 3D CAD files to these 2D formats:

  • DXF

  • EMF

The Generate 3D PDF service can also convert 2D CAD files to these formats:

  • PostScript

  • EMF

For information about using the Generate 3D PDF service, see LiveCycle ES2.5 Services .

Generate 3D PDF service configuration

The following properties can be configured for the Generate 3D PDF service. (See Editing service configurations .)

The properties affect the performance of the Generate 3D PDF service on the LiveCycle server.

Pool Size

The pool size of the Generate 3D PDF service, which controls the maximum number of simultaneous 3D conversions that are allowed. The default value is 1.

Server Maximum Conversion Timeout

The maximum conversion time-out (in seconds) that is enforced on 3D conversions. If the service caller passes a conversion time-out value that is greater than this value, this value is used. The default value is 270.

Server Minimum Conversion Timeout

The minimum conversion time-out (in seconds) that is enforced on 3D conversions. If the service caller passes a conversion time-out value that is less than this value, this value is used as the minimum. The default value is 10.

Convert 3D File operation

Converts a 3D CAD file or a 2D CAD file to a different 3D or 2D file format:

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 3D formats: PDF, PDF/E-1, IGES, PARASOLID, STEP, STL, U3D, and VRML.

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 2D formats: DXF and EMF.

  • 2D CAD files can be converted to these formats: PostScript and EMF.

This operation performs the following steps when it converts a 3D CAD file to a 2D file format:

  1. Creates a 2D view of the file from which hidden lines are removed.

  2. Exports the resultant view as DXF or EMF.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the files to convert and how to convert them.

Export Type

An ExportPDFFormat value that represents the file type to which the input document is converted. To provide a literal value, type one of the following values:

  • DXF

  • EMF

  • IGES


  • PDF

  • PDFE1_sRGB


  • STEP

  • STL

  • U3D

  • VRML

Input document

A document value that represents the 3D file or 2D file to convert. If the data to convert is a 3D assembly, this value represents the root file of the assembly.

To specify a literal value, click the ellipsis button  and select an asset from an application.

Supporting 3d documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent 3D files that support the input document. For example, if the input document is a 3D assembly file, the documents in the list represent the files that make up the assembly.

Provide a value if the input document references other files.

Conversion Setting Name

A string value that represents the name of the 3D PDF conversion settings to use. The LiveCycle administrator uses LiveCycle Administration Console to configure the conversion settings. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) in LiveCycle Administration Console Help.) The following setting names are provided by default:

  • Collaboration

  • DataExchange

  • Default

  • LargeFile

  • Publishing

  • Standard

  • U3DECMAStandardEd1

  • U3DECMAStandardEd3

  • VisualizationHighQuality

  • VisualizationSmallFile

LiveCycle administrators can create new setting names in addition to the above names.

If you specify conversion settings by using the Conversion Settings property, do not specify a value for Conversion Setting Name. If you provide values for both properties, the settings in Conversion Setting Name are used. If you provide no values for either property, the Default setting name is used.

Conversion Settings

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains the conversion settings to use. The settings in this file correspond with the conversion settings you can configure using LiveCycle Administration Console.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. The XML file that you provide must conform to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for conversion settings. (See Generate 3D PDF Conversion Settings Reference .) To see an example XML file, use LiveCycle Administration Console to download one of the setting names. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only).)

If Conversion Setting Name has a value, the value of Conversion Settings is ignored.

Custom Parameter

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains values for custom conversion properties. Plug-ins can be created to extend the functionality of the native 3D PDF converter engine. Use Custom Parameter to provide values for the properties that the custom plug-ins implement. The custom plug-ins determine the required structure of the XML.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. If no custom plug-ins are used, do not specify a value.

For information about creating your own plug-in, see your Adobe representative.

timeout time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum conversion time-out (in seconds) for this conversion. If this value is set to zero or a negative value, the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server is used. (See Generate 3D PDF service configuration .) Also, if this value exceeds the value of the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server, the server value is used.

Output properties

Properties for saving conversion results.

Created Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the document that the operation created. The value is a document value. For example, to save the returned document in a variable, select a document variable from the list.

Log Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the log file that was created during the conversion. The value is a document value. The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about conversion failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Convert 3D From XML operation

Converts a 3D CAD assembly to a different 3D or 2D file format. This operation is similar to the Convert 3D File operation operation except that the CAD assembly is described by using an XML assembly file. The structure of the XML assembly file must comply with the schema described in Generate 3D PDF Assembly Reference .

For example, a software application gathers information about the 3D assembly from external resources, such as a product life cycle management (PLM) system. The XML file that includes the information is created at run time, and then used as input for the Convert 3D From XML operation.

Use the LCCPLM service to retrieve information from a PLM system.

Files involved in the assembly can be either all native CAD files or all cached files. Cached files are the already-converted native CAD files, usually PDF documents. You cannot use a mixture of native CAD files and cached files. Using cached files requires fewer server resources and improves performance.

Use the Convert 3D File operation operation to create cached versions of native CAD files.

The following conversions are supported:

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 3D formats: PDF, PDF/E-1, IGES, PARASOLID, STEP, STL, U3D, and VRML.

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 2D formats: DXF and EMF.

This operation performs the following steps when it converts a 3D CAD file to a 2D file format:

  1. Creates a 2D view of the file from which hidden lines are removed.

  2. Exports the resultant view as DXF or EMF.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the assembly to convert and the conversion settings.

Export Type

An ExportPDFFormat value that represents the file type to which the input assembly is converted. To provide a literal value, type one of the following values:

  • DXF

  • EMF

  • IGES


  • PDF

  • PDFE1_sRGB


  • STEP

  • STL

  • U3D

  • VRML

Input XML document

A document value that represents the XML file that describes the CAD assembly. (See Generate 3D PDF Assembly Reference .) To specify a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application.

The files in the assembly are identified by using A3DMiscSingleAttribute elements in the XML. A file is referenced using either an absolute location or a relative location:

The full path to the file is specified. The LiveCycle server must have access to the file.

Only the file name is specified. The file must be provided in the value of the Supporting 3d documents property.

Supporting 3d documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent the 3D files of the assembly. The files are either native file parts or the cached file of an already-converted file part.

Provide a value if the input XML assembly includes the relative locations of part files.

Conversion Setting Name

A string value that represents the name of the 3D PDF conversion settings to use. The LiveCycle administrator uses LiveCycle Administration Console to configure the conversion settings. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) in LiveCycle Administration Console Help.) The following setting names are provided by default:

  • Collaboration

  • DataExchange

  • Default

  • LargeFile

  • Publishing

  • Standard

  • U3DECMAStandardEd1

  • U3DECMAStandardEd3

  • VisualizationHighQuality

  • VisualizationSmallFile

LiveCycle administrators can create new setting names in addition to the above names.

If you specify conversion settings by using the Conversion Settings property, do not specify a value for Conversion Setting Name. If you provide values for both properties, the settings in Conversion Setting Name are used. If you provide no values for either property, the Default setting name is used.

Note: The 3D conversion settings must be the same as or compatible with the settings used with the Explore 3D File operation to create the input document. The settings must also be compatible with the settings used to convert the cached files used in the assembly.

Conversion Settings

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains the conversion settings to use. The settings in this file correspond with the conversion settings that you can configure by using LiveCycle Administration Console.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. The XML file that you provide must conform to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for conversion settings. (See Generate 3D PDF Conversion Settings Reference .) To see an example XML file, use LiveCycle Administration Console to download one of the setting names. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) .)

If Conversion Setting Name has a value, the value of Conversion Settings is ignored.

Note: The 3D conversion settings must be the same as or compatible with the settings used with the Explore 3D File operation to create the input document. The settings must also be compatible with the settings used to convert the cached files used in the assembly.

timeout time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum conversion time-out (in seconds) for this conversion. If this value is set to zero or a negative value, the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server is used. (See Generate 3D PDF service configuration .) Also, if this value exceeds the value of the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server, the server value is used.

Output properties

Properties for saving conversion results.

Created Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the document that the operation created. The value is a document value. For example, to save the returned document in a variable, select a document variable from the list.

Log Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the log file that was created during the conversion. The value is a document value. The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about conversion failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Convert 3D With Cache operation

Converts a 3D CAD assembly to a different 3D or 2D file format by using cached files. This operation is similar to the Convert 3D File operation operation except that it can assemble already-converted files to create the final result. It also uses cached PRC data to describe the assembly structure. This strategy improves server performance because fewer file conversions are performed:

  • Reduced load on system resources

  • Reduced time to produce the final result

The following conversions are supported:

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 3D formats: PDF, PDF/E-1, IGES, PARASOLID, STEP, STL, U3D, and VRML.

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 2D formats: DXF and EMF.

This operation performs the following steps when it converts a 3D CAD file to a 2D file format:

  1. Creates a 2D view of the file from which hidden lines are removed.

  2. Exports the resultant view as DXF or EMF.

Identifying cached files

An XML document identifies the CAD files that are used in the assembly and their already-converted (cached) counterparts. The XML file is similar to the output of the Explore 3D File operation operation, but the XML additionally identifies the location of the converted files. Use the Explore 3D File operation to obtain initial XML, and then modify it as needed.

The XML document that the Explore 3D File operation produces also includes PRC data. This data is the binary representation of the assembly structure. The Convert 3D With Cache operation requires the PRC data.

The XML document has the following structure, where each CacheFileEntry element represents a file in the assembly. If the file is a sub-assembly, the CacheFileEntry element must contain an IsAssembly attribute with a value of true ( IsAssembly="true" ). The PRC element contains the PRC data (the PRC data is not shown):

            <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "path to cached file" NativeFilePath="source file name"/> 
        <PRC data=" "/> 

The Explore 3D File operation generates NativeFilePath values that match the references in the binary PRC data. Do not change the binary data or the NativeFilePath values. If a NativeFilePath value is not accurate, execute the Explore 3D File operation again using input values or conversion settings that produce the expected name.

Note: If the value of a CacheFilePath does not exist or is not accessible, the cached file is not used and the source file is converted. In this case, provide the original file in the Supporting 3d documents property.

The following example XML identifies a number of files in an assembly:

    <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "C:\cache\motor_endplate.prt.pdf" NativeFilePath="motor_endplate.prt.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry IsAssembly="true" CacheFilePath="" NativeFilePath="shaft1_w_clips.asm.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "C:\cache\shaft_1.prt.pdf" NativeFilePath="shaft_1.prt.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "C:\cache\clip.prt.pdf" NativeFilePath="clip.prt.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "C:\cache\graisseur_m6.prt.pdf" NativeFilePath="graisseur_m6.prt.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "C:\cache\con_rod.prt.pdf" NativeFilePath="con_rod.prt.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry IsAssembly="true" CacheFilePath="" NativeFilePath="shaft.asm"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry NativeFilePath="shaft_2.prt.1"/> 
    <CacheFileEntry CacheFilePath= "C:\cache\shaft_cyl.prt.pdf" NativeFilePath="shaft_cyl.prt.1"/> 
Note: Ensure that the NativeFilePath values that the Explore 3D File operation produces are actual file names. The operation produces symbolic file names for some CAD formats when the part file is not loaded. To produce actual file names, when you execute the Explore 3D File operation, provide the part file as input or by using an additional search directory. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only).)

Create the XML file

  1. Use the Explore 3D File operation operation to explore the CAD assembly that you are converting. The result is an assembly file in XML format. This file also contains PRC data that the Convert 3d with Cache operation requires.

  2. Determine which of the files listed in that XML file are already converted to the required output format. Determine the location of the converted files.

  3. Add CacheFilePath attributes to the CacheFileEntry elements in the XML file.

For more information about the structure of this file and the XML assembly file, see Generate 3D PDF Assembly Reference .

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the files to convert and how to convert them.

Export Type

An ExportPDFFormat value that represents the file type to which the input document is converted. To provide a literal value, type one of the following values:

  • DXF

  • EMF

  • IGES


  • PDF

  • PDFE1_sRGB


  • STEP

  • STL

  • U3D

  • VRML

Input document

A document value that represents the XML file that identifies the files in the assembly and their already-converted counterparts. (See Identifying cached files .) To specify a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application.

The files in the assembly are identified by using A3DMiscSingleAttribute elements in the XML. A file is referenced using either an absolute location or a relative location:

The full path to the file is specified. The LiveCycle server must be able to access the file.

Only the file name is specified. The file must be provided in the value of the Supporting 3d documents property.

Supporting 3d documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent 3D files of the 3D CAD assembly. The files are either native file parts or their cached counterpart.

Conversion Setting Name

A string value that represents the name of the conversion settings to use. The LiveCycle administrator uses LiveCycle Administration Console to configure the conversion settings. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) in LiveCycle Administration Console Help.) The following setting names are provided by default:

  • Collaboration

  • DataExchange

  • Default

  • LargeFile

  • Publishing

  • Standard

  • U3DECMAStandardEd1

  • U3DECMAStandardEd3

  • VisualizationHighQuality

  • VisualizationSmallFile

LiveCycle administrators can create new setting names in addition to the above names.

If you specify conversion settings by using the Conversion Settings property, do not specify a value for Conversion Setting Name. If you provide values for both properties, the settings in Conversion Setting Name are used. If you provide no values for either property, the Default setting name is used.

Note: The 3D conversion settings must be the same as or compatible with the settings used with the Explore 3D File operation to create the input document. The settings must also be compatible with the settings used to convert the cached files used in the assembly.

Conversion Settings

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains the conversion settings to use. The settings in this file correspond with the conversion settings you can configure by using LiveCycle Administration Console.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. The XML file that you provide must conform to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for conversion settings. (See Generate 3D PDF Conversion Settings Reference .) To see an example XML file, use LiveCycle Administration Console to download one of the setting names. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only).)

If Conversion Setting Name has a value, the value of Conversion Settings is ignored.

Note: The 3D conversion settings must be the same as or compatible with the settings used with the Explore 3D File operation to create the input document. The settings must also be compatible with the settings used to convert the cached files used in the assembly.

timeout time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum conversion time-out (in seconds) for this conversion. If this value is set to zero or a negative value, the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server is used. (See Generate 3D PDF service configuration .) Also, if this value exceeds the value of the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server, the server value is used.

Output properties

Properties for saving conversion results.

Created Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the document that the operation created. The value is a document value. For example, to save the returned document in a variable, select a document variable from the list.

Log Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the log file that was created during the conversion. The value is a document value. The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about conversion failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Convert 3D With PLM operation

Converts a 3D CAD assembly to a different 3D or 2D file format. This operation uses a combination of a 3D CAD assembly file and an XML assembly file to define the assembly:

  1. Explores the CAD assembly file to determine the native assembly. An internal representation of the assembly is created.

  2. Compares the native assembly with the information in the XML assembly file.

  3. Updates the internal representation of the assembly with items identified in the XML assembly:

    • If information in the two files is conflicting, the information in the XML assembly file is used.

    • If information in the XML assembly does not exist in the CAD assembly file, the information from the XML is added.

  4. Converts the internal assembly to the specified output format.

This operation combines the abilities of the Convert 3D With Cache operation and Convert 3D From XML operation operations. The structure of the XML assembly file must comply with the schema described in Generate 3D PDF Assembly Reference .

The following conversions are supported:

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 3D formats: PDF, PDF/E-1, IGES, PARASOLID, STEP, STL, U3D, and VRML.

  • 3D CAD files can be converted to the following 2D formats: DXF and EMF.

This operation performs the following steps when it converts a 3D CAD file to a 2D file format:

  • Creates a 2D view of the file from which hidden lines are removed.

  • Exports the resulting view as DXF or EMF.

Identifying cached files for Convert 3D With PLM

Identify cached files in the same way as for the Convert 3D With Cache operation. (See Identifying cached files .)

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the assembly to convert and the conversion settings.

Export Type

An ExportPDFFormat value that represents the file type to which the input assembly is converted. To provide a literal value, type one of the following values:

  • DXF

  • EMF

  • IGES


  • PDF

  • PDFE1_sRGB


  • STEP

  • STL

  • U3D

  • VRML

Input document

A document value that represents the root file of the 3D CAD assembly. To specify a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an asset from an application.

Input XML document

A document value that represents the XML file that describes the CAD assembly. (See Generate 3D PDF Assembly Reference .) To specify a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application.

The files in the assembly are identified by using A3DMiscSingleAttribute elements in the XML. A file is referenced using either an absolute location or a relative location:

The full path to the file is specified. The LiveCycle ES2 server must be able to access the file.

Only the file name is specified. The file must be provided in the value of the Supporting 3d documents property.

Supporting 3d documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent the 3D files that comprise the CAD assembly. The files are either native file parts or their cached counterpart.

Conversion Setting Name

(Optional) A string value that represents the name of the 3D PDF conversion settings to use. The LiveCycle administrator uses LiveCycle Administration Console to configure the conversion settings. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) in LiveCycle Administration Console Help.) The following setting names are provided by default:

  • Collaboration

  • DataExchange

  • Default

  • LargeFile

  • Publishing

  • Standard

  • U3DECMAStandardEd1

  • U3DECMAStandardEd3

  • VisualizationHighQuality

  • VisualizationSmallFile

LiveCycle administrators can create new setting names in addition to the above names.

If you specify conversion settings by using the Conversion Settings property, do not specify a value for Conversion Setting Name. If you provide values for both properties, the settings in Conversion Setting Name are used. If you provide no values for either property, the Default setting name is used.

Note: The 3D conversion settings must be the same as or compatible with the settings used with the Explore 3D File operation to create the input document. The settings must also be compatible with the settings used to convert the cached files used in the assembly.

Conversion Settings

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains the conversion settings to use. The settings in this file correspond with the conversion settings that you can configure by using LiveCycle Administration Console.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. The XML file that you provide must conform to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for conversion settings. (See Generate 3D PDF Conversion Settings Reference .) To see an example XML file, use LiveCycle Administration Console to download one of the setting names. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only).)

If Conversion Setting Name has a value, the value of Conversion Settings is ignored.

Note: The 3D conversion settings must be the same as or compatible with the settings used with the Explore 3D File operation to create the input document. The settings must also be compatible with the settings used to convert the cached files used in the assembly.

timeout time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum conversion time-out (in seconds) for this conversion. If this value is set to zero or a negative value, the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server is used. (See Generate 3D PDF service configuration .) Also, if this value exceeds the value of the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server, the server value is used.

Output properties

Properties for saving conversion results.

Created Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the document that the operation created. The value is a document value. For example, to save the returned document in a variable, select a document variable from the list.

Log Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the log file that was created during the conversion. The value is a document value. The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about conversion failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Create3d PDF operation

Creates a 3D PDF document based on conversion settings that are configured on the LiveCycle server.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties to specify the input file to convert to a three-dimensional PDF document.

Input Document

A document value that represents a supported input format to convert to a 3D PDF document.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button  and select an asset from an application.

File Extension

(Optional) A string value that represents the file name extension of the input file specified in the Input document property. For example, you can type DLV to represent a CATIA Export File.

Note: This property is used only if the filename attribute of the document value is not provided. For example, this situation occurs when your process is invoked by using a Remoting endpoint.

Supporting 3d Documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent the files that the input document references.

To provide a literal value, type the absolute path of the supporting file. For example, if a file named supportdoc.txt is located in a folder named foldertest1 on your C: drive, type C:/foldertest1/supportdoc.txt .

You can set only one file using with a literal value. To specify more than one file, use a list of document values. Each document value represents a file that the input document references.

Conversion Setting Name

(Optional) A string value that represents the conversion setting to use. The default conversion setting on the server is used if no value is provided. The available conversion settings are configured in Generate PDF Administration Help .

To provide a literal value, type the name of the conversion setting name.

Custom Parameter

(Optional) A document value that represents a file that contains custom parameters to pass to the native 3D PDF converter engine. Plug-ins can be created to extend the functionality of the native 3D PDF converter engine. Use Custom Parameter to provide values for the properties that the custom plug-ins implement. The custom plug-ins determine the required structure of the XML.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. If no custom plug-ins are used, do not specify a value.

For information about creating your own plug-in, see your Adobe representative.

Timeout Time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum number of seconds before timing out the job. If the value is set to zero or a negative value, the global setting that is configured in the Generate 3D PDF service configuration settings is used. (See Generate PDF Administration Help .)

To provide a literal value, type a value to represent the number of seconds. When the value is greater than the configured time-out on the server, the time-out value on the server is used instead.

Output properties

Properties that specify output values that represent the three-dimensional PDF document that was created and the log file that stores the conversion results.

Created Document

The location to store the three-dimensional PDF document that was created. The data type is document .

Log Document

The location to store the log file. The log contains information about the results, conversion settings, input document, and conversion options. The data type is document . The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about conversion failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)

The following log text is an example of a successful conversion of a file to a three-dimensional PDF document.

2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ***************************************************** 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  PDFG3dAddin 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  PDFG3dAddin Version : 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  A3DReviewer Version : 90000093 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****   
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  Log level : Info 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ***************************************************** 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> Cad Log : 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I>  
Adobe 3D Reviewer Application 
CATIA (TM) file reader. 
Reading data from file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\pdfg3d-Administrator\b7\4495-36f1f1-89b6eb-6b069e-137e3d-57e495\pdfg3d-in 
----------- Reader options                                                -------------------------------------- 
---- General read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Reading Mode                                                : B-rep 
---- Standard read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Solids                                                : Yes 
Surfaces                                                : Yes 
Wireframes                                                : Yes 
3D PMI                                                : Yes 
Hidden objects                                                : No 
Construction & References                                                 : No 
Active Filter                                                : No 
---- General assembly read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Load product structure only                                                : No 
Search directories 
Directory                                                : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\pdfg3d-Administrator\b7\44rea95-36f1f1-89b6eb-6b069e-137e3d-57e495 
Logical name                                                : N/A 
Recursive search                                                : No 
---- Specific assembly read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Search in other DDNAME                                                : No 
---------- File Information                                                -------------------------------------- 
Model name                                                : TST 0014 : CAPOT PSA 3D 
Version/Release                                                : CATIA SOLUTIONS V4   RELEASE 1.7 FR 4.1.7 
Unit (multiple of mm)                                                : 1 
Model dimension                                                : 10000.000000 
3d tolerance (TOLCV)                                                : 0.100000 
3d granularity (TOLPT)                                                : 0.001000 
Model scale                                                : 1.000000 
User                                                : administrator  
Date Last Modification                                                : 97.178   
Time Last Modification                                                : 16.15.04 
Code Page                                                : ISO-8859-1 
---------- Reading phase                                                -------------------------------------- 
---------- Summary                                                -------------------------------------- 
OUT OF FILTER                                SUCCESS                    FAIL                    NOT IMPLEMENTED                                TYPE 
            0                        1                    0                            0                    3-axis system (8) 
            0                        1                    0                            0                    Solid (17) 
            0                        2                    0                            0                    TOTAL 
            TO BE PROCESSED                                            | FAILURE                |                CREATED                 
            1 Solid [196]                                            |        0        |                1 Solid [196]                                    | 
    |         1 Coordinate system                                            |        0         |                1 Coordinate system                                    | 
            2                                            |        0        |                2 TOTAL 
CPU time                    0.230 sec 
2008/03/06                    09:32:19 <I> Conversion succeeded


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Create3d PDFCustom operation

Creates a three-dimensional PDF document by using custom conversion settings specified in an XML file.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties to specify the input file to convert to a 3D PDF document.

Input Document

A document value that represents a supported input format to convert to a 3D PDF document.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button  and select an asset from an application.

File Extension

(Optional) A string value that represents the file name extension of the input file specified in the Input document property. For example, you can type DLV to represent a CATIA Export File.

Note: This property is used only if the filename attribute of the document value is not provided. For example, this situation can occur when your process is invoked by using a Remoting endpoint.

Supporting 3d Documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent the files that the input document references.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an asset from an application.

You can set only one file by using a literal value. To specify more than one file, use a list of document values. Each document value represents a file that the input document references.

Conversion Settings

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains the conversion settings to use. The default conversion setting on the server is used if a value is not provided.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an asset from an application. The XML file that you provide must conform to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for conversion settings. (See Generate 3D PDF Conversion Settings Reference .)

Custom Parameter

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains custom parameters to pass to the native 3D PDF converter engine. Plug-ins can be created to extend the functionality of the native 3D PDF converter engine. Use Custom Parameter to provide values for the properties that the custom plug-ins implement. The custom plug-ins determine the required structure of the XML.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. If no custom plug-ins are used, do not specify a value.

For information about creating your own plug-in, see your Adobe representative.

Timeout Time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum number of seconds before timing out the job. If the value is set to zero or a negative value, the global setting that is configured in the PDF Generator 3D configuration settings is used. (See Generate PDF Administration Help .)

If you provide a literal value, type a value to represent the number of seconds. When the value is greater than the configured time-out on the server, the time-out value on the server is used instead.

Output properties

Properties that specify output values that represent the three-dimensional PDF document that was created and the log file that stores the conversion results.

Created Document

The location to store the three-dimensional PDF document that was created. The data type is document .

Log Document

The location to store the log file. The log contains information about the results, conversion settings, input document, and conversion options. The data type is document . The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about conversion failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)

The following log text is an example of a successful conversion of a file to a three-dimensional PDF document.

2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ***************************************************** 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  PDFG3dAddin 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  PDFG3dAddin Version : 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  A3DReviewer Version : 90000093 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****   
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ****  Log level : Info 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> ***************************************************** 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I> Cad Log : 
2008/03/06 09:32:17 <I>  
Adobe 3D Reviewer Application 
CATIA (TM) file reader. 
Reading data from file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\pdfg3d-Administrator\b7\4495-36f1f1-89b6eb-6b069e-137e3d-57e495\pdfg3d-in 
----------- Reader options                                                -------------------------------------- 
---- General read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Reading Mode                                                : B-rep 
---- Standard read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Solids                                                : Yes 
Surfaces                                                : Yes 
Wireframes                                                : Yes 
3D PMI                                                : Yes 
Hidden objects                                                : No 
Construction & References                                                 : No 
Active Filter                                                : No 
---- General assembly read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Load product structure only                                                : No 
Search directories 
Directory                                                : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\pdfg3d-Administrator\b7\44rea95-36f1f1-89b6eb-6b069e-137e3d-57e495 
Logical name                                                : N/A 
Recursive search                                                : No 
---- Specific assembly read options                                                                        ------------------------ 
Search in other DDNAME                                                : No 
---------- File Information                                                -------------------------------------- 
Model name                                                : TST 0014 : CAPOT PSA 3D 
Version/Release                                                : CATIA SOLUTIONS V4   RELEASE 1.7 FR 4.1.7 
Unit (multiple of mm)                                                : 1 
Model dimension                                                : 10000.000000 
3d tolerance (TOLCV)                                                : 0.100000 
3d granularity (TOLPT)                                                : 0.001000 
Model scale                                                : 1.000000 
User                                                : administrator  
Date Last Modification                                                : 97.178   
Time Last Modification                                                : 16.15.04 
Code Page                                                : ISO-8859-1 
---------- Reading phase                                                -------------------------------------- 
---------- Summary                                                -------------------------------------- 
OUT OF FILTER                                SUCCESS                    FAIL                    NOT IMPLEMENTED                                TYPE 
            0                        1                    0                            0                    3-axis system (8) 
            0                        1                    0                            0                    Solid (17) 
            0                        2                    0                            0                    TOTAL 
            To BE PROCESSED                                            | FAILURE                |                CREATED                 
            1 Solid [196]                                            |        0        |                1 Solid [196]                                    | 
    |         1 Coordinate system                                            |        0         |                1 Coordinate system                                    | 
            2                                            |        0        |                2 TOTAL 
CPU time                    0.230 sec 
2008/03/06                    09:32:19 <I> Conversion succeeded


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Explore 3D File operation

Creates an XML assembly file based on an existing 3D file:

  • For assembly files, the XML assembly lists the files of the assembly in the CacheFileList element. The A3DSDKStructure element contains an XML representation of the assembly structure. The PRC element contains a binary representation. The information in the A3DSDKStructure and PRC elements are redundant and only one is needed.

  • For part files, the XML includes an empty CacheFileList element.

This operation is also useful for determining whether a file is a part file or an assembly file.

The resultant XML assembly file can then be used as input for the following Generate 3D PDF operations:

Convert 3D From XML operation

Convert 3D With Cache operation (with modifications to the XML)

Convert 3D With PLM operation

Note: The conversion settings used for these operations must be the same as or compatible with the settings used for the Explore 3D File operation.

For more information about the structure of this file and the XML assembly file, see Generate 3D PDF Assembly Reference .

File references

File references are included in the following areas of the XML assembly file that the Explore 3D File operation creates:

  • The NativeFilePath attribute of CacheFileEntry elements

  • The binary PRC data

  • The data attribute of A3DMiscSingleAttribute elements (when the Title attribute equals FilePath ).

The Explore 3D File operation reads 3D files without loading the geometry. However, for some CAD formats, part files are partially read when they are available. For these formats, the availability of part files can affect the name used for the file references. For example, with Pro/Engineer formats, when a part file is available, the file reference is the actual file name (clip.prt.1). When the part file is not available, the file reference is a symbolic file name (CLIP.prt).

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for specifying the files to explore and how their conversion is to occur.

Input document

A document value that represents the file to explore. To specify a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an asset from an application.

Supporting 3d documents

(Optional) A list of document values that represent 3D files that support the input document. For example, if the input document is a 3D assembly file, the documents in the list represent the files that make up the assembly.

Provide a value if the input document references other files.

Conversion Setting Name

A string value that represents the name of the 3D PDF conversion settings to use. The LiveCycle administrator uses LiveCycle Administration Console to configure the conversion settings. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) in LiveCycle Administration Console Help.) The following setting names are provided by default:

  • Collaboration

  • DataExchange

  • Default

  • LargeFile

  • Publishing

  • Standard

  • U3DECMAStandardEd1

  • U3DECMAStandardEd3

  • VisualizationHighQuality

  • VisualizationSmallFile

LiveCycle administrators can create new setting names in addition to the above names.

If you specify conversion settings using the Conversion Settings property, do not specify a value for Conversion Setting Name. If you provide values for both properties, the settings in Conversion Setting Name are used. If you provide no values for either property, the Default setting name is used.

Conversion Settings

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains the conversion settings to use. The settings in this file correspond with the conversion settings you can configure using LiveCycle Administration Console.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. The XML file you provide must conform to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) for conversion settings. (See Generate 3D PDF Conversion Settings Reference .) To see an example XML file, use LiveCycle Administration Console to download one of the setting names. (See Configuring Adobe 3D PDF settings (Windows only) .)

If Conversion Setting Name has a value, the value of Conversion Settings is ignored.

Custom Parameter

(Optional) A document value that represents an XML file that contains values for custom conversion properties. Plug-ins can be created to extend the functionality of the native 3D PDF converter engine. Use Custom Parameter to provide values for the properties that the custom plug-ins implement. The custom plug-ins determine the required structure of the XML.

To provide a literal value, click the ellipsis button and select an XML file from an application. If no custom plug-ins are used, do not specify a value.

For information about creating your own plug-in, see your Adobe representative.

timeout time

(Optional) An int value that represents the maximum conversion time-out (in seconds) for this conversion. If this value is set to zero or a negative value, the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server is used. (See Generate 3D PDF service configuration .) Also, if this value exceeds the value of the maximum conversion time-out that is configured on the server, the server value is used.

Output properties

Properties for saving the exploration results.

Created Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the XML assembly file that the operation created. The value is a document value. For example, to save the returned file in a variable, select a document variable from the list.

Log Document

(Optional) The location in the process data model to save the log file that was created during the conversion. The value is a document value. The log file provides details about the conversion, including information about exploration failures. (See Generate 3D PDF service error codes .)


This operation can catch a ConversionException exception event.

Generate 3D PDF exceptions

The Generate 3D PDF service provides the following exceptions for throwing exception events.


Thrown if one of the following errors occurs during the conversion of an input document to a three-dimensional PDF document:

  • For the Convert3dPDF and Convert 3DPDF Custom operations, the file name extension is unknown. The extension is unknown when the following conditions occur:

    • No file name extension is provided for the input document.

    • The filename attribute for the document value provided for the Input document property is not populated.

    Note: The filename attribute is not populated for the Input document property when a process is invoked by using LiveCycle Remoting.
  • The value provided in the Conversion Settings property does not exist or the conversion settings are incorrect. For example, invalid XML in the conversion settings can cause the exception.

  • The value of the Conversion Settings Name property does not exist on the server.

  • The file specified for the Input document property is invalid, is not a supported format, or is empty.

  • Supporting documents for the input document are not provided.

  • The time required to perform the conversion is greater than the time-out value.

Generate 3D PDF service error codes

The following error codes can appear in the log file that Generate 3D PDF operations provide as output:

Conversion failed due to error in number of inputs or in command id.

Conversion failed due to an error in the Custom Parameter properties.

Conversion failed due to an error in the conversion settings.

Conversion failed due to an error in the log file.

Conversion failed due to an error in the A3DReviewer application.

Conversion failed because the input CAD file cannot be found.

Conversion failed when the A3DReviewer application was reading an input file. The application could not create internal data from input file. A missing resource can cause this error.

Conversion failed because an input file does not contain a 3D model.

Conversion failed due to error in cleaning a A3DReviewer resource.

Conversion failed due to an error during the creation of an output file.

Conversion failed because unsupported file type was provided as input.

Conversion failed due to incompatibility between A3DReviewer.exe and PDFG3dAddin.dll versions.

Conversion failed because A3DReviewer.exe is in unstable condition.

The Acrobat 3D library could not be initialized.

Conversion failed when the A3DReviewer application was reading an input file. An unsupported version or invalid content can cause the error.

An error occurred while storing the created assembly in A3DReviewer. The created assembly could be invalid.

Conversion failed because the requested export format is not compatible with the input file type.

An error occurred while exploring the assembly structure. Verify that the input assembly is valid.

An error occurred while extracting PRC from read file in A3DReviewer. Please verify that all the input files are valid.

Conversion failed because an error occurred when allocating A3DReviewer resources.

An error occurred when reading the input XML assembly structure file.

An error occurred when writing the XML assembly structure file.

An error occurred when parsing the XML assembly structure file.

Conversion failed because the provided conversion setting is not U3D-compliant.

An error occurred when loading PRC from the cache. The cache could be invalid.

An error occurred when creating PRC from a native file. The input file could be invalid.

// Ethnio survey code removed