retrieveContent operation

Retrieves the specified content and its related metadata.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties for the content to retrieve.

Store Name

A string value that represents the name of the store where the content is located.

If you provide a literal value, select the name from the list. Currently, only SpacesStore is available.

Node ID/Path

A string value that represents a fully qualified name or a unique identifier of the content to retrieve. The path must start from the root location (for example, /Company Home/User Home/My Home/Mydata.xml).

If you provide a literal value, either type the path or identifier or click Browse to select the content node.

Version Label

(Optional) A string value that represents the version label of the node or content to retrieve. By default, the latest version of the content is retrieved.

If you provide a literal value, type the version number.

Output properties

Node ID

A string value that contains the unique identifier of the retrieved content.

Browse Link

A string value that contains the URL of the retrieved content. This URL allows for the direct access to the content.

Retrieved Document

A document value that contains the retrieved content.

Node Attributes

A map value that contains the attributes of the retrieved content.

For information about retrieving values from a map, see Accessing data in data collections .

Retrieve Content Result

A CRCResult value that represents the attributes of the retrieved content.

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