Web Service service configuration

Configure the following properties to enable the Web Service service to call web services using the HTTPS protocol. (See Editing service configurations .)

KeyStore: The full path of the keystore file that contains the private key to use for authentication. The LiveCycle server must be able to access the file.

Key Store Password: The password for the keystore file.

Key Store Type: The type of the keystore. Provide no value to use the default keystore type that is configured for the JVM that runs the LiveCycle server. Otherwise, provide one of the following values:

  • jks

  • pkcs12

  • cms

  • jceks

Trust Store: The full path of the trust store file that contains the public key of the web service server.

Trust Store Password: the password for the truststore file.

Trust Store Type: The type of the truststore. Provide no value to use the default keystore type that is configured for the JVM that runs the LiveCycle server. Otherwise, provide one of the following values:

  • jks

  • pkcs12

  • cms

  • jceks

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