Get Supporting Documents operation

Retrieves a list of URLs to the supporting documents for a review. Each URL is specific to Review Zone Provider. For example, for Contentspace 9, the URLs are to a WebDAV location, such as http://localhost:8080/contentspace/webdav/RCA/REVIEW_TEMPLATES/SUPPORTDOCUMENTS/MYREVIEW/SupportInformation.pdf.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

The input properties for the operation.

Review ID

A string value that uniquely identifies the review.

Output properties

The output properties for the operation.

List Of Document URLs

A list of string values to representing URLs of supporting documents for the review.


This operation can throw a com.adobe.livecycle.rca.common.exception.RCAException exception.

// Ethnio survey code removed