ALC-RCA-220-000: com.adobe.livecycle.rca.common.exception.RCAExceptionMessage : No review exists for Review Id. Explanation : A review with the specified Review Id does not exist. Review Commenting & Approval Core operations that require the review ID as an input parameter may throw an error. Possible Causes: 1. Specified Review ID is invalid. 2. In some environments, a database commit operation is slow. If you call any API immediately after initiating a review, it is possible that review instance is not yet committed to database. In such cases, design for such failures by introducing a delay between the initiateReview call and other update calls like addReviewer, addApprover, and reviseReview. Alternatively, implement a retry strategy. 3. You can ensure that the review exists by calling the Get Review Context operation from the Review Commenting & Approval Core service. |
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// Ethnio survey code removed