User stories for initiating reviews

After you have a review template, you can start a review using one of the following two options:

  • Use the GlobalCorp solution template or Workspace. Both options are provided when you install the Solution Accelerator and are ready to use. You can use this option if you created the review template using the solution template.

  • Use a custom implementation. A custom implementation can invoke building block services to initiate reviews.

The review template you choose to initiate a review contains most of the parameters to start a review. In addition, a review initiator provides the following information to start the review:

  • A description and name for the review. Optional metadata can be added to improve searchability for the review.

  • Content for participants to review or approve, which include both PDF documents and non-PDF documents, such as Microsoft Word files.

  • Additional participants can be added to the review as required or optional reviewers and approvers.

  • Supporting documents, which include documents or URLs that are not part of the review content, but provide additional context to the review.

After a review is started, review documents are secure and inaccessible to users not listed as a review participant in the review. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Active Directory systems can be used to provide secure login and authentication mechanisms and are integrated with Adobe User Management.

As multiple reviews can be started using the same review template, additional metadata can be added to the review to improve searchability. For example, you can add metadata based on the user profile of the review initiator, the name of the document, or keywords.

Requirements addressed

  • A single review team is responsible for the review of multiple documents. A mechanism is required to define predefined reviews. Predefined reviews ensure that reviews follow a consistent process.

  • It is a requirement to add review content varying file formats for reviews. Different types of content are used in reviews.

  • Provide secure access to review content.Reviews and review content must be easy find based on the name, document, time that document started.

  • Add internal and external review participants to a review. Participants require access to Workspace or email to complete reviews.

  • Add additional search attributes to reviews to enhance the search experience. Reviews and review content must be easy find. Searches criteria can include the author, name, document name, or review period (start date and end date)

Common questions to ask to clarify requirements

  • What type of review parameters do you want the review initiator to specify?

  • What file formats do you want users to use to submit review content?

  • What type of content is uploaded to support reviews?

  • Is it necessary to add additional metadata to the review to make it searchable?

  • Are reviewers and approvers external to the company?

Best practices, tips, and tricks

When you add additional metadata to your reviews, consider standardizing the keys you use to provide an optimal search experience.

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